Monday, March 11, 2013


One of the things I was really looking forward to when coming to a very cold and rainy country around Winter was to see some snow... Unfortunately, when I got here and shared that aspiration of mine with the locals they disencouraged me immediately saying that snow is a very rare phenomenon around here and I guess it's understandable due to the proximity to the sea. Nevertheless, I still kept dreaming and wishing for it. I mean, it's so cold... The least you can do is give me some snow!!

I had already lost up... But... Today I woke up, looked out the window and it was snowing!! I felt like I was in a movie set around Christmas time... Even though I've been to Serra da Estrela back in Portugal and saw some old snow turned into ice, I've never actually seen snow falling from the skies and I certainly have never played with it...

Imagine my delight going through the streets to go to work feeling the snowflakes in my face. Never thought I could enjoy a Monday morning so much, but the snow really made my day!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Random shots around Dublin

I just realised I have so many cool pictures that still haven't made it to the blog, so I decided to create a post with some random shots I've been taking around here...

Dublin Writers Museum

The Gate Theatre

General Post Office (GPO)

O'Connell Statue

Trinity College

Stephen's Green

Merrion Square Park

Saint Andrew's Street

Saint Andrew's Street

Temple Bar

Temple Bar

Temple Bar

Temple Bar


Dublin Wall of Fame

View over the Liffey from Essex Bridge

Essex Bridge

St. Patrick's Cathedral

Marlborough Street

Saint Mary's Pro-Cathedral

Look right. No, the other right!

Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral

More to come soon! =)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Guinness Storehouse

So, I've been in Ireland for a whole month now! But I still hadn't been to the Guinness Storehouse, which is one of the most iconic places to visit when in Dublin. So I decided to make amends for my sin and go there this weekend. The weather wasn't spectacular either, so a nice indoors activity was in order. The ticket for a student over 18 like me was 13 euros, so I was thinking to myself "this better be good...", and it turned out to be great!

On the way in there were some horse-drawn carriages outside and this little fella immediately put a smile on my face! 

Horsey with a leprechaun hat

In the beginning of the tour, a member of the staff told us the building was shaped like a pint glass and it had 7 floors. In each floor we'd learn a different step of the process of creating Guinness stout. After that everyone was free to take the tour at their own pace, since the way through each phase and floor is very well marked and you can just guide yourself through the building.

On the first floor we discover the 4 ingredients that make Guinness so unique in taste and consistency: barley, hops, yest and, of course, water.

One of Guinness' most important ingredients: Water!

After that we learned about the skillful work of a cooper and how they created a wooden barrel capable of retaining Guinness' unique flavour to be transported around the globe. This was certainly one of the most impressive parts of the tour.

Guinness Barrels

Guinness Barrels

Replica of a Guinness ship

Guinness train

And then we stumbled upon this beautiful pint shaped sculpture that caught the eyes of everyone around. Truly remarkable!

Recreation of a Pint of Guinness

On the Guinness Storehouse Wall of Fame there were tons of familiar faces captured on their visits to the brewery, like the Queen of England, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Paul Rudd and, my favourite, Conan O'Brien!

Conan O'Brien at Guinness Store House

I also really enjoyed the Advertising and Sponsorship floor, in which you get to see some of Guinness' advertising campaigns over the years, including outdoors, bottle labels, TV commercials and merchandising.

Guinness Advertising Campaigns

Guinness Advertising Campaign

Guinness Harp

Guinness labels over the years

Guinness Advertising Campaign

Guinness Advertising Campaign

We then reached the Guinness Academy floor, and this is one of the main atractions of this tour because you get to learn all 6 steps to pour a perfect pint and then try to do it by yourself. If you succeed you get a certificate stating you poured the Perfect Pint and you also get to drink your masterpiece. Sláinte! (or Cheers if you prefer).

Guinness Academy

Bar tables with Arthur Guinness' signature

The final floor is called the Gravity Bar and it's basically a space covered in windows all around in which you can get a stunning 360º view of Dublin, while enjoying your Guinness. It's impressive and really, really beautiful!

I really loved this experience, even though I'm not a major beer drinker. It's worth the money and it's an afternoon very well spent. Now I can see why it is so popular...Highly recommend it!