Saturday, February 2, 2013

First Impressions

I woke up today with the sun making its way through my window. Could it be real?? I looked outside and it was a gorgeous blue sky with no dark clouds to be seen and sun, lots and lots of sun!

I was so happy, I couldn't have gotten dressed any faster. Grabbed my map and off I went! I was still pretty lost. Reading such a tiny map is much harder than it seems, but after a few steps I found this beautiful garden that kept me going.

The Garden of Remembrance

So down the road I went until O'Connell Street. And my is it impressive... It is the widest street in Dublin and apparently it's constantly bubbling, due to its innumerous pubs, restaurants, shops, hotels and whatnot. The spire, a huge needle shaped monument right in the centre of the street, is gigantic and quite impressive.

O'Connell Street and the Spire

I didn't have to walk much more to find one of the iconic figures of the city immortalised in this statue placed around the corner of North Earl Street.

James Joyce

I went on until I reached the gates of Trinity College. My map said there were green spaces inside, so I decided it would be a good place to sit down and have lunch.

Trinity College

After about five minutes of immobility I started to deeply regret my outfit choice this morning. Since it was such a beautiful day I dressed a lighter jacket with a winter sweater as I usually do in Portugal, which was fine until the sun decided to hide and I started to slowly freeze. I thought my hands and my nose were going to collapse at any moment. I didn't even have a scarf or gloves or anyhing... So I just started walking around to warm up, which helped a bit, but not much, so I decided to go to the National Museum of Ireland, which was nearby. They have an amazing archaeological artifacts collection, from Prehistoric Ireland with focus on the impressive goldwork from the time, to the Viking Age and Medieval times. The Egyptian Collection and the Roman Empire artifacts were also very impressive. But what stuck in my mind the most were the human remains from the Iron Age. I guess it's not every day that you see bog bodies of human sacrifice victims. They were so well preserved it was almost creepy. Definitely a must-see!

Having regained the feeling of my every limb, I went for a stroll around Stephen's Green, a beautiful, beautiful park in the centre of Dublin, with tons of trees (Cherry blossoms!!! *.*) and flowers, and fountains and a lake with ducks.

St. Stephen's Green

Dinner tonight was chinese curry. Yap, chinese restaurants here serve curry. But not just any curry... The best curry I have ever tasted! Even better than Indian curry. It was sooo awesome. And here they serve it with rice and french fries, which I found really strange, but french fries with curry sauce are to die for!

So yeah, my first impressions of Dublin are pretty great so far. It's a beautiful city, specially in the sunlight and the food isn´t as bad as I expected. On the contrary. So yey, Dublin! The adventure continues tomorrow...

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